Why should we exfoliate? What are the benefits of exfoliating with a chemical peel?

The cycle of cell production and replacement slows as we age. It takes about 28 days for the average middle aged adult. As we glow older this skin cycle slows down to approximately 45 to 60 days in out 40s to early 50s. It can further slow down to 60 to 90 days in out late 50s and 60s, as this process slows , dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin causing sagging and collapse of the structure of our skin which is what we see as fine lines and wrinkles. Bacteria can get trapped causing blemishes and breakouts.

A chemical peel is a form of exfoliation used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck and hands. A chemical solution is applied to your skin that eventually causes it to peel off but not how you might think, you certainly don’t have noticeable skin peeling off your skin rather a shedding which is unnoticeable to most, you can feel it more than you can see it.

Having a chemical peel speeds up the cycle of cell production which is beneficial to our skin. Firstly, resurfacing the outer layer of the skin and stimulating epidermal growth which makes the epidermis thicker. Secondly, peels causes death to the skin cells that are deprived of a blood supply which will cause the body’s natural wound healing process to replace the old cells with new.

Book your free skin consultation and start making the changes you’ve always wanted to make to your skin.